Articles about Government

Justice Department and FTC to Split Oversight of Google and Amazon

The New York Times is reporting that the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will be splitting oversight of Google and Amazon, a move which seems to signal impending changes.

California Judge Rules that Qualcomm Violated American Antitrust Law

Judge Lucy Koh’s multi-part ruling determined that Qualcomm’s business practices were anti-competetive and failed to uphold the fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory obligations of licensing standards.

Inside the Obscure Practice of “Cybersquatting”

ACPA was signed into law in 1999, making cybersquatting illegal while clarifying legitimate use defenses. Trademark holders benefit from this legislation.

The Net Neutrality Battle Continues

The battle over net neutrality has been marked by breakneck momentum shifts, plenty of legal action, but little in the way of permanence.

ACLU vs. Government: Should There Be Rules Governing Hacking?

The ACLU lawsuit claims that what little information exists has been confined to “scattered news accounts”; what they do know is described as “very troubling.”

Quandary Peak Research Approved for Groundbreaking 5-year Health IT Oversight Role

Quandary Peak was recently selected by a major EHR vendor to serve as a Software Quality Oversight Organization, charged with evaluating the company’s software and internal processes, and issuing software audit reports to improve the overall quality of their product, especially its ability to keep patients safe.