Expert Analysis of Software
and Computing Technology

Technical experts with legal experience. We provide rigorous analysis and unbiased opinions.​

Computer science depicted as a colorful stream of data in the digital cloud

Computer scientists discuss patent case
Accomplished Computer Scientists

Quandary Peak’s team includes computer scientists with exemplary academic records, published research, patent filings, and university professor appointments

Additional software consultants bolster the team with extensive industry experience in the field, some of whom are founders of successful startups.

Meet Our Software Litigation Experts
team of code reviewers compare analysis of software on laptop
specially trained for litigation

Effective source code discovery is essential to authentic expert testimony

Our experts are specifically trained in source code review for patent litigation and other software disputes. We perform code review for all types of litigation involving computer software, with extensive experience in software patents, defect and failure analysis, and breach-of-contract disputes.

Source Code Review

Our collective expertise covers a variety of software technologies,
and we possess the skills to analyze and explain complex concepts

Patent Experts

We help our clients make stronger arguments in patent infringement case by providing technical data and testimony to back up infringement positions.

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Copyright Experts

Software copyright is a complex and continuously evolving area of the law. Our experts can analyze software for both literal and non-literal copyright infringement.

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Trade Secret Experts

Our software trade secret experts investigate allegations of misappropriation, and provide expert witness testimony to back up trade secret identifications.

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Source Code Experts

Attorneys rely on our code review experts for analyzing software in mobile & web apps, enterprise platforms, and medical systems.

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Tech DD Experts

We inform investment and M&A transactions in a range of technology areas such as artificial intelligence & machine learning.

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Health IT Software Experts

We provide trusted and independent expert analysis for software in the medical device and Health IT industries.

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Speak with a Software Expert Today

Ready to Work with

Trial-tested Software Experts?
We’re available Monday – Friday,
8am to 6pm Pacific Time.
Los Angeles Headquarters
View of our office in Los Angeles at sunset
Let’s talk.
  • 2012 Year Founded
  • 7 Office Locations
  • 25+ Experts Available
  • 750+ Cases Investigated
  • 600+ Clients Served