Quandary Peak Research Advises Canadian FIRST LEGO League Robotics team
Rosedale’s FIRST LEGO League Royal Thunder Robotics Team in Sarnia, Canada asked us for professional advice about their forward-looking tech product.
Rosedale’s FIRST LEGO League Royal Thunder Robotics Team in Sarnia, Canada asked us for professional advice about their forward-looking tech product.
Two Quandary Peak experts and their teams presented their latest research at the twenty-sixth International Symposium on Software Reliability and Engineering, one of the most accredited IEEE events.
When human health and safety depends on software, correct system operation is the most important concern. Unfortunately, a lack of proper testing and verification in such systems allows program defects to remain undetected and later turn into hazardous failures.
An inter partes review (IPR) of ROY-G-BIV patents recently made news by becoming the first time that all claims of a challenged patent have survived intact.