Articles about Windows Phone

California Judge Rules that Qualcomm Violated American Antitrust Law

Judge Lucy Koh’s multi-part ruling determined that Qualcomm’s business practices were anti-competetive and failed to uphold the fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory obligations of licensing standards.

person viewing map location on phone

Lawsuits Alleges U.S. Cellphone Carriers Sold Customer Location Data

New class-action lawsuits have been filed against major US cellphone carriers AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint in US District Court in Maryland due to the real-time “collection of geolocation data and the unauthorized dissemination to third-parties of the geolocation data collected from its users’ cell phones.

Satellite above earth provides GPS data for mapping software.

George Edwards Tapped to Testify on GPS, Navigation, and Mapping Patents

Dr. George Edwards, Quandary Peak’s resident guru of location-based mobile services, has been asked to testify as an expert witness in a patent infringement lawsuit regarding mapping software.

Code Review of Android and Windows Devices Completed

Software consultants at Quandary Peak recently completed an lengthy, in-depth source code review of twenty-nine mobile devices running the Android, Windows Mobile, and Windows Phone 7 operating systems.

What Mobile Platform Will Get Me App Revenue?

Developing mobile apps involves decisions about the target platform. This article reviews the market opportunities related to different app platforms.