Brad Ulrich has a 20+ year career as a computer scientist, tech entrepreneur, and expert consultant. He is trusted by federal agencies and leading software vendors to provide expert analysis and guidance on complex matters involving the safety and quality of software, regulations such as CEHRT and Meaningful Use, and industry best practices for quality and risk management in Health IT software.
His professional experience includes modern software architectures, safety-based product design, health IT software, FDA-regulated medical devices, distributed software, automation and DevOps, cellular devices, and more. He is adept at risk management, SDLCs and project management, software governance and compliance with SDO standards, CTO and strategic management, IP management and consulting, and litigation support and expert testimony as a computer scientist.
He is currently the Director of Quandary Peak’s Health IT and Audits division, where he oversees a team of software and health informatics experts in analyzing and audits of health IT software systems and companies, including reviews for private companies as well as the Department of Health and Human Services and United States Department of Justice.