Articles about Electronic Health Records

Patient data and vaccine vials.

Healthcare Data-Sharing System May Create Privacy Risks

In a piecemeal regulatory environment, consumers will bear the brunt of the responsibility for vetting any app they choose to give access to their medical information. How that information is protected will be the province of third parties – until legislated otherwise.

Quandary Peak Research Approved for Groundbreaking 5-year Health IT Oversight Role

Quandary Peak was recently selected by a major EHR vendor to serve as a Software Quality Oversight Organization, charged with evaluating the company’s software and internal processes, and issuing software audit reports to improve the overall quality of their product, especially its ability to keep patients safe.

Expert at Quandary Peak Research Assists in Contract Dispute Case

Brad Ulrich, a senior engineer at Quandary Peak, is working on case about the development of electronic health record (EHR) software and software designed to meet Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) compliance standards.