Articles about Android

Photo of mobile phone sitting on laptop keyboard

Understanding the SIM-Swapping Threat

With a technique called SIM-swapping, bad actors on the internet are having some of their greatest successes to date.

Person holding phone up while testing 5G network speed

The State of Play for 5G in 2020

5G is in its nascent days as a technology – the market is establishing itself, businesses are determining whether to invest, and infrastructure is still developing. 5G hype may not square with reality but the future remains bright and potentially blazing fast.

Smartphone sim card components

U.S. Department of Justice Mandates Changes to eSim Technology

While the investigation into collusion between two wireless carriers and a related trade association regarding embedded SIM card (eSIM) technology may have reached an anticlimactic end, the superpowers of the wireless industry will have to tread carefully to avoid an unwanted legal case.

California Judge Rules that Qualcomm Violated American Antitrust Law

Judge Lucy Koh’s multi-part ruling determined that Qualcomm’s business practices were anti-competetive and failed to uphold the fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory obligations of licensing standards.

person viewing map location on phone

Lawsuits Alleges U.S. Cellphone Carriers Sold Customer Location Data

New class-action lawsuits have been filed against major US cellphone carriers AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint in US District Court in Maryland due to the real-time “collection of geolocation data and the unauthorized dissemination to third-parties of the geolocation data collected from its users’ cell phones.