Articles about Artificial Intelligence

a digital dragon made of from artificial intelligence

A Step in the Right Direction – U.S. Executive Order on AI

President Biden’s Executive Order calls for stringent AI safety standards, privacy protection, responsible AI deployment in government, equity in AI applications, and international collaboration on AI safety and standards.

A robot enters a garden maze attempting to find success in AI investments

Performing Due Diligence in AI and Generative AI Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI are at the forefront in a rapidly evolving tech industry, driving innovation and reshaping industries. Due diligence is an intricate process that assesses these technologies’ technical aspects and viability.

Bias in Computer-Aided Decision Making

Causes and Effects of Bias in Computer-Aided Decision Making

Recent advances and increased application of computer-aided decision making, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), have caught the attention of consumer protection organizations and regulatory agencies.

COVID data reported on large monitor shows map of infection locations.

An Unlikely Tool for Fighting Pandemics: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is not a silver bullet, its ability to efficiently and accurately crunch numbers is aiding the containment and treatment effort for COVID. Lessons learned now will help future outbreaks. No longer the realm of sci-fi, AI is in the fight against the pandemic.

On Our Radar: The Algorithmic Accountability Act

The algorithms that govern Artificial Intelligence behavior have been accused of bias in high-profile cases involving major corporations. Lawmakers are responding with the Algorithmic Accountability Act which is the most serious attempt to address the issue.

A Peek Into The Future of Autonomous Driving, Part 1

In part 1 of our series on self-driving cars, we explore the idea that before driving gets fully automatic and easier, it first gets more complicated.