Articles about Programming

Code is Tricky, part 3: compiled vs. interpreted

Writing quality code may take time, but it can save time later. That means that all languages aren’t created equal.

Front view of a Altair 8800 computer

Code is Tricky, Part 2: Source Code Never Runs

Every computer program comes from source code, but computers never use source code to run their programs. How does that work? Part 2 in our series.

Code is Tricky, Part 1: Dead Code

A software patent case can be won or lost on the question of dead code. What is dead code and how can an expert spot it? Part 1 in our series.

Google vs. EU: Antitrust Conflict Timeline

The European Commission’s investigation of Google’s alleged misconduct has done nothing but expand and intensify over the last six years.

Award Winning Research Conducted by Quandary Peak Experts

Two Quandary Peak experts and their teams presented their latest research at the twenty-sixth International Symposium on Software Reliability and Engineering, one of the most accredited IEEE events.

Creative painting of computer melting on desk

Measuring Software Maintainability

Measuring software maintainability is non-trivial and there exists no single metric to measure it accurately. Maintainability is a multifaceted quality attribute; each of the facets must be analyzed to objectively measure it.

Quandary Peak Expert Testifies on Web and Search Engine Technology

One of Quandary Peak’s experts in web, Internet, and search engine technology recently provided courtroom testimony in a contempt trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court.